Giving you the best chance at online success.
Critical to online success:
- WordPress Websites (Fast. Professional. Optimized.)
- High Performance Hosting (Google loves it.)
- Content (The best SEO!)
- Security (We make hackers cry.)
- Domain Name Consulting (Great Domain = Instant Credibility)
Make your web presence perform! We hammer out the problems and keep it all humming…

WordPress Websites
WordPress is the most popular CMS on the internet for a reason: It works. Roughly a third of all the websites on the internet are powered by WordPress. We take a VIP approach to our websites. We make sure all the code in your website is optimized for the best performance and highest security. They also look great and customers love them!
High Performance Hosting
Unlike other services, we actually own our own equipment. Our web servers have been highly customized exactly for their intended purpose. At DotWonks, you will get more power for the money than anywhere else! OUR SERVERS ROUTINELY BEAT CLOUD SERVICES!
There is an old saying on the internet: “Content is King!” It’s true. No matter how much “SEO jitsu” you use, great content will beat it all. We provide professionally written copy and a feeds of new content to keep the search engines (and customers) coming to your site.
We make hackers cry… It’s just that simple. Our “end to end” approach to security, combined with owning our own equipment, makes “DotWonks” the gold standard. Our websites have never been hacked.
Domain Name Consulting
What’s in a name? Well… When it comes to your website’s domain name, EVERYTHING!
A great domain name can create instant credibility and branding for your website that is hard to duplicate. A bad domain name makes people hit the back button (if they even find your site to start with…) At DotWonks, we can figure out what domain name is best for your website. We also maintain a substantial inventory of established, premium, domain names that can be purchased at a discount with our other services.
Get your domain name right, Wonk It!